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Peer Resources
The Peer Resources section is the hallmark of our Infotitan.com service offerings, which stands out with its unique "private research swapping" model. This model recognizes and taps into the vast but always underutilized (and under-appreciated) research works performed by and existing among the individual business students and independent corporate analysts.

  Our Unique Value Proposition


While well-known professional research firms constantly churn out tons of research articles and trend analyses, do you have the all-too-often experiences that the ones you find most useful and relevant are actually from your own co-workers, your fellow students and those around you as individuals?

Peer Resources at Infotitan provide the very place where you can post your own works, share it proudly with your peers, and get access to the private works done by your peers. The results: increased research relevancy, analytical speed and the pool of resources. And equally important, we really appreciate the excellent analyses done by our hard-working peers and would like to provide a vehicle to increase the visibility and reusability of them.

Furthermore, Infotitan strives to nurture a community where you can receive feedback, improve your works and appreciate each other's work with a sense of pride. At minimum, we'd love to be a centralized place for you to online store and improve your major works on a continuous basis.

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  Our Rules of Engagement


Your presence within our community is contribution driven and quantitatively represented by how many titan points you have.

There are three ways for you to earn titan points:

1. Via contributing your research works. You can upload your presentation or analyses into our centralized peer database and for each piece you contribute, you earn 5 points. For example, if you upload 3 presentations into the peer pool when registering, you will have 3 x 5 = 15 points to start with as a member. ( Please note you will still have 100% right of ownership and usage of your work. Details of attentions to appear in Upload section)

2. Via use of your analyses by other members. For example, after one of our peers download one of your contributions, you will earn 1 point. Similarly, if you download one presentation from another member, 1 point will be deducted from your total points and be given to that member;

3. Via purchase. In case your total points reach zero and you have the need to search and use presentations from your peers, you can purchase points from Infotitan at $5 per point.

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